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MimoCool – Automated Fridge Monitoring

For QVisual, I was the main PHP developer for the MimoCool project. Some organisations have a business and/or regulatory requirement to ensure that fridges are maintained within prescribed temperature limits. Traditionally, this meant manual thermometer readings taken maybe twice a day. But with that timescale. medicines and foods can easily spoil outside of the monitored times. Damaged contents or sub-standard fridges may go undetected.

With the MimoCool system, small battery sensors send temperature readings to a server database about every seven minutes. If temperatures break out of their configured limits, messages are sent by SMS or email, so that timely intervention can be made. Sometimes as simple as shutting a door.

Managers for the location can use a Mimocool website to check on all fridge behaviour – both current, or for months back.

We built the web front-end using PHP, Javascript and JQuery, and a MySql database.

Tech used in this project:
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